2015年5月7日 星期四

Taiwan Kaohsiung is not happy city ~ ~ dengue spraying toxic pollution - Pets

Good luck, stupid government, 10 years! Assault entrance to spray insecticide dengue - a large group of white smoke, invade your home, poison your pet, or dog when you walk down the street and suddenly spray coming! Poison your dog! My garden organic vegetables, contaminated pesticides, more toxic! I was in 2013/11, they spray insecticide at my gates, large smoke, my doors and windows closed, the door also posted a tape, but still came in pesticides .....! So sad - I poisoned! ! 2012 cat licked my windows poisoning, 3 times a year, in 2014 the government unit in 2009 ***, that  

登革熱噴藥 民眾疑冠軍愛犬遭毒死
「噴登革熱藥 犬中毒」的圖片搜尋結果

She thought he was a prophet, the prophet, said she thought a lot of dengue this year! 20000000,30000000 on the application of pesticides to spray Kaohsiung! Make 2004 a year ago 1 spray, spray three times a year to become! 2009,2014 time to time, no announcement, every 10 days, 20 days date to 4 days of continuous spraying insecticide! From 2014 to know there are more than 200 cases of pet poisoning, my sister is also home of one of the victims of large dogs, poisoning! There are those who pass are suddenly sprayed sprayed! Spray too much or park, dog park to go back to poisoning!

Verification was discovered, a small park more than 9 times a day spraying insecticides, pesticides! Is simply too much spraying application, spray finish, fear resentment! Began to mess spray! Poisoned pet! And not posted any signs! Because no child go to! Only pet die! See Tokyo spray park, pull the blockade, not to let anyone enter, also posted a sign! Smoke feeling relatively small! Kaohsiung is regardless of any time, maybe you're on the road pavement cafes, eating breakfast, rest, walk the dog, and so on - their people suddenly appear, they begin to spray insecticides, no prior notice! @!

Poisoned pet owners not willing! There is no answer! Each unit is shirking each other informed of the domestic media, at most, a few days the owner of Gordon sad, a few days after the emergence of a new, absolutely no change sale! 2014 super exaggerated, there are symptoms of poisoning in school children, beginning some doctors, environmentalists dissatisfied! Kaohsiung entire spring season, March to May is the insecticide of air! Even worse is 50 meters a neighbor might get sick, you should insecticide spray at home! My family are suspected to spray twice! ! ! ! A gentleman live here, he got sick because of household registration in this, so spray!

My family is weird for three consecutive years dengue spray medicine at home, a few days before Christmas, all! Too coincidental! My home was completely destroyed, I wash also close to the bag, tape, garbage bags, not put clothes closet, still in the trunk, because I do not know when to add even spray? And I do not live the building, I live in an apartment, I do not know when there will be pesticide smoke outside? I was able to come and collect things, shut the doors and windows, dogs and cats catch it? Each spray outdoors, too late if I put away items to be cleaned 4 ~ 12H, sprayed inside the home to cover the action to one day in advance to 3 days, cleaning 24H ~ 168H, waste pile tape, garbage bags

Plastic wrap, detergents ... etc! Really green! My time is wasted in it! Someday happy together! As long as you do not get them suspected dengue like! Whether you are poisoned! Carcinogenic! Allergy! It really is a happy city? I do not believe! At least a lot of irony here! There are environmental issues! Good hate every day! Melancholy time! Do not look at the surface of propaganda, who saw here? It was resolved? Many people have been brainwashed, spray more insecticide is a good thing! Or fear of fines! Many also swallowed his heart! Without any piping, complaints, only they shirking!

Sincere prayer each year, but the more outrageous spray, mosquitoes resistant to the more powerful and more and more strong! I really regret the Kaohsiung! Want to escape! Farmhouse living in the mountains is also OK ~ I like the clean, natural organic place! Hate the days since the beginning of 2005, my garden are ruined, mint is also president of the mosquito inspectors say, beautiful floral excess pesticide spray wither! Black heart of the place! Even their own balcony kind of things are away from drugs! Kaohsiung hell! Kaohsiung City did not expect, if you are not very wealthy person, you can not flee abroad! It seems things are little incident ruined life events! I was in that gray Kaohsiung -


